About Us
Aatma Nirvarata Kendra (MANK) is
one of the women leading organization.
It has been working with the
children and women’s right since its inception. It is an
action oriented; social non-profit, non-political child rights
organization established in 2047 and registered 09/048/49 in District
Administration Office, Sindhupalchowk,
It is
based on the right of underprivileged women and girls who have been led behind
due to the existing patriarchal norms and values of the society. The organization has been raising issues of women and
girls trafficking including women right issues, as its major concern. It has
been focusing on research, advocacy, debate, women empowerment and awareness
raising programs to change patriarchal set mind.
It is
the local community based social organization which comprise only female in the
executive board and male as a supporting member and as a staff. The never
ending focus of this organization is Anti-women trafficking.
mission, vision, value, goal and objectives
"To establish equitable society through
eliminating social, economic, political and cultural discrimination''.
Equality in education and justifiable access to
justice, minimizing violence, economic upliftment, increase equal
participation, women empowerment, awareness about their own right, enhance
leadership quality are focused among the target group is the mission of
Mahila Aatma Nirbharta Kendra.
To established human rights based on justifiable and
equitable in the society through the elimination of social, political, and
cultural discrimination is the aim of the MANK.
The main objectives to achieve the aim of the
organization are- v Eliminating discrimination, violence, injustice,
trafficking and abduction or any form of exploitation against women and
children v Ensuring and advocate on women's and children equal
access to politics, education, health and empowerment. v Ensuring equal right to property through advocacy
and lobbying. v Establishing gender based participation, local
development. and environmental protection v Publication and distribution of issue based
information in workshop, seminar, and training. v Empowering organization to achieve organizational
and Values
ü Equal
right and opportunities All
human beings are equal. Society is common home of all human beings. Women and
men must enjoy equal rights and opportunities in accessing and in controlling
social, economic, cultural and political resources.
ü Equal
participation Equal
Participation of women and men is essential from local level to national
level for the upliftment and development of the society and the nation.
ü Women
right and empowerment Specific
legal provision should be formulated to establish equal partnership and to
take decision at the every walk of life of household level to decision-making
level of the state in social, economic, cultural and political aspects.
ü Co-partnership
in development Sustainable
development results from the co-partnership in need identification for
development, planning, policy formulation, implementation and evaluation.
ü Information dissemination and
sensitization building ü Group formation and
mobilization ü Co-ordination, collaboration
and partnership ü Gender equality and social
inclusion ü Lobby advocacy and networking
at various levels